Sunday Schedule
8:45am Donuts & Coffee
9:15am Adult Small Groups Bible Study
10:30am Church Service
Infant to Preschool care available 9:00-11:30pm
Children's Sunday School 9:15am
Children's Church 10:30am
Youth 6th-12th Grade meet at
The Branch (1601 N. Osage)
Doors open at 9:00am
Bible study at 9:15am - 10:15am
Transportation back to main campus provided
Visit our Children, Student, and Ministry pages for information on other weekly activities.
I can do all things through him who strengthens me.
Philippians 4:13
Need a ride?
We can provide you a ride to and from church.
We can pick you up before the 10am small group time and take you home after the Contemporary service that starts at 11am (leave the church around 12pm). Call the church office M-Th 9am-4pm.
email us at office@fbcnevada.org
call at 417-667-6036
Sign up for our Email
Sign up for our email list to receive a letter from our pastor each week as well as prayer needs and other important announcements.
301 E Highland Ave, Nevada, MO, 64772
Facebook: fbcnevada
(417) 667-6036

Monday - Thursday 9am - 4pm